Thursday, July 31, 2014

Beijing day 1

We landed in Beijing a little ahead of schedule at about 10 till 3 on the 31st.  We made it through immigration, got our bags and strolled through customs.  We missed our guide and as we were just hanging out and looking for her, she called. We got to the hotel and got ourselves oriented to our room and figured out how to control the lights and what outlest swere safe for our equipment.  Then we walked to Wu-mart, yeah, that's what it's called and bought some bottled water and green tea.  Got a little dinner, showered and headed to bed.  Can't beleive we are in Delaney's country and only a few days away from her.  Wow!  Praising God for safe travels!

Our trip to Wu-Mart

And dinner, well, not terribly filling . . .

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