Monday, March 3, 2014

Snow Day, will it be THE DAY?!

I'm home today due to snow and ice so I just sat down to blog a little and the phone RANG!  It was a TELEMARKETER!!!!!! UGH!  Don't call me when I'm expecting "THE CALL"!  Larry is out checking on our neighbors and I ran through the house to get the phone and it's NOT our agency.
We are not so patiently awaiting the call today as we were not so patiently awaiting the call on Thursday or Friday last week.  I was going to try to make it to work in the snow and ice today just so I would have a distraction but we had 5 inches of snow and ice underneath.  So, I'm home and not very distracted.  Sure I have lots of things that need done but nothing I want to do.  I want to lay on the couch in my jammies with my dog and watch mindless daytime tv with my  husband and eat junk food and cat nap.  Sounds like a good idea, huh?
 It's not looking too good for the Stork today as it's already Monday evening in China and our agency in Texas hasn't reported anything yet, so there must not have been anything on line for them to see this morning.   Very tough, looks like today may be a wash since it's 11:30 a.m. now. 

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