Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Opossum or home invasion?

Well on a lighter note today, our Penny dog (piranha-ranian) Pomeranian was on the deck doing her usual morning watch and she began barking hysterically.  I went out twice just to make sure there wasn't something REAL out there that I should concern myself with.  Then she ran back in the door and through the house barking and growling like crazy. Okay, now I'm concerned.  Is someone trying to sneak in?  It is still dark outside.  So I snuck through the house in my robe with toothbrush in hand to discover the culprit was a opossum lurking outside. Relieved.
Okay, I know you didn't come to read critter stories; you want adoption news. Right?  We'll as of late yesterday our agency hadn't heard anything and it's possible we may have to wait until next week.  Yuck, boo, hiss!  Then this morning we see that a Spanish agency now knows the cut off is the 28th so we already knew with an LID of 11-27 that we are in this batch so now the European agencies are getting some news.  That's really good because they are 6-12 hours ahead of us and if they know more then we should know more soon!!!!!
Random thoughts from this morning . . .
Wonderful time driving to work looking at the beautiful sunrise and listening to music and praising God for all He's done for me.
Too hot in enter car with the heat on but drive over twenty minutes before I realize the heat is in and I can turn it down.  I'm a little preoccupied!
Need to keep busy to stay focused and NOT ruminate about the call.
 . . . Now off to check mail, face book and any other source I can find regarding the stork.

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