Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Down doobie doo, down down . . .

Well, no news today, this is really wearing on me.  I’m down today.  I had 4 days off due to the weekend, bad weather and then a scheduled day off yesterday.  So today was my Monday and its been hard to focus; I’ve been fairly busy but in a scattered, preoccupied sorta way.  It’s 3:15 and I’m ready for a nap.  How is it I can sleep so well when I’m off work and have a restful weekend and then the night before I return to work, I’m stressed, not sleeping good, awake half the night, need benadryl to relax and L is so tense he’s having chest pain.  Would some one from our adoption agency please call us with a baby?!!!!!!
On another note, we had a really nice, restful,  and fun weekend. We saw a movie, spent time with family and got some rest.  Yesterday we were out and about but the preoccupation with the phone ringing was still very present with us. 
Today is my Mom’s birthday and I’ve not been able to talk with her yet since she was out with family to dr. appts.  I did; however, wish her a Happy Birthday Eve last night when we talked.  I don’t get to spend much time with her but at the same time, we are so similar that its’ like she shares my thoughts and if I talk to myself then its like I’m talking to her.  Well, now I sound psychotic, I’m not,  I promise.  I’m tired and I have baby brain. 
On a serious note, my Mom is not on face book, or the internet, or even have cell phone service at her house so she will not  be reading this but I still feel  the  need to publicly wish my Mom the most wonderful Birthday ever. On that note, I can only hope to be the kind of Mom she is to me and for my child to be as proud to call me Mom as I am her.  I love you bunches Mom!

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