Thursday, June 6, 2013

Look what we're taking to China!

No, we're not floating or paddling our way to China!   Over the many years we've waited, I've read so many blogs of families' travels to China that I've made a list of the things we need or that came highly recommended by other families. 
And believe it or not, inflatable rafts made the list.  Now if you'd told me initially I needed to take a raft to China I'd have thought you were just as terrified as I am of flying and that your were being overly cautious in the event of an emergency water landing, er, uh crash.   Nope, these are to sleep on.  You see, even in the very nice westernized 5 star hotels the beds are reportedly VERY hard and uncomfortable.  These can be blown up quickly and tucked between the bed covers and the mattress.  Then you have an additional cushy layer so your bones don't ache.  Sounds good, huh?  Well for two people who are pretty spoiled; one with shoulder issues and the other just, well, spoiled.  We thought it was a good idea! 

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