Saturday, September 27, 2014

Thursday . . . another first.

Thursday night when I tucked our Little One in her crib it was much like most nights.  Usually after singing a few songs in the living room and under her direction (pointing and folding her hands in a sleeping position beside her ear)  we head off to her room.  I put her lullaby butterfly on her chair where she can reach it and she selects the song to play and the color of lighted stars  that illuminate onto the ceiling.  She carefully backs up in the dark and sits in my lap and folds her little hands in prayer.  We pray and she ends with a sleepy "Amen."
This is the routine every night, I then pick her up and set her in her crib and she grabs her blankie and sticks her thumb in her mouth, we say goodnight, lights out, and sweet slumber begins.  However, Thursday night as I lifted her into her crib, she stopped me and gave me a sweet and tender kiss and followed with, drumroll please  . . . "no new".  That's Delaney for "love you"!!!! Wow, spontaneous this time.  The kissing isn't knew nor is the repetition of "love you".  But this time she said it first.  So sweet and seeming like she understood.  Be still my heart, naturally I cried.  God has given this Little One the capacity to give and receive love in such a big way!

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