Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween . . .

I remember in 2006 I was driving to the local Fed-ex hub to deliver our dossier on this day, except it was a Tuesday.  The lady at the counter was asking me about insurance for the 3 pounds of paper I was mailing.  When she asked me what it was worth, I told her it was "priceless".  I then proceeded to tell her "if Jesus Himself could deliver the papers then that's what I'd want".  She laughed and explained she'd mailed many dossiers for families and considered herself the "fairy godmother of adoption paperwork".  Well, that somehow made it better.  So I reluctantly left my package with her and said a little prayer.  At this point I went to Bob Evans to get potato soup for lunch and some pumpkin bread.  I ate the soup on my hour trip back to work, who would've thought I could've eaten soup while driving!  We were notified the next day by Great Wall that our paperwork looked good and would be China bound on Friday.  The long wait began and the huge slowdown occurred.  So here we are nearly 7 years later . . . Happy Fall and Happy Halloween, enjoy my pictures . .

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