Monday, March 2, 2015

So much going on and so much joy!

We have been extremely busy this past month.  We continue to be amazed at our little Delaney.  She is growing so much and blooming before our eyes as she learns something new every few days.  We blink and her hair is longer.  We turn our heads and she learns a new word or  she outgrows something.
It's easy to say we are never bored around here and the laughs and entertainment she provides is endless.  On February 9th we celebrated her 3rd birthday or "Happy Shoo-a" as she calls it.  I'm not real sure where she got that phrase other than hearing it as "Happy Birthday to ya" and dropping the "birthday" and her "t" sound is a "sh" sound. So it goes from "Happy to ya" to "Happy Shoo-a"  So precious. She had a Disney's FROZEN themed party and we had a guest Queen Elsa who sang to her.  She enjoyed the party with all the family and continued to eat cake for days which in turn caused her to this that "shoo-a" lasted many days.  Now whenever we go to a party or eat cake it's another "Happy Shoo-a".
She began a 2 hour pre-school class on the 12th but with all the snow, school has been cancelled a lot and we've not been back, hopefully this Thursday the weather will hold out.  We arrived last week all ready for class, got inside the school and realized it was cancelled due to slippery icy roads.  We didn't have any trouble so what are two girls to do, up early, dressed, and hair fixed - we went shopping.  Had a great day with my little one as we strolled through the mall and shared a piece of pizza and bought a Disney princess dress. Sorry, I digress, signing up for pre-school was a work as I was supposed to present a birth certificate, which I don't have yet, ss card, again which we don't have.  So I had to fill out multiple forms which were really irrelevant since our family/health history doesn't pertain to  her and supply copies of documents which no one can read anyway since they are in Chinese.  Oh well.
We also had our 6 month post-placement home-study in the meanwhile and had to send pics to our agency to forward to China to CCCWA.  Those are becoming so uneventful, like second nature.  The hardest part is narrowing a selection of pictures to only 8 that represent our day lifestyle.  Why only 8? I take pictures all the time so this was hard.  
We also celebrated our first Chinese New Year as a family and had a great time doing so.  The house is decorated, I made a dragon cake, and we attended 3 parties.
Last week we completed our re-adoption of Delaney.  We were accompanied by both sets of grandparents and Aunt Sheila was there to take pictures.  After the proceedings, we took the two grandmothers with us and took a hike to Ash Cave to see to ice formation.  Delaney, again loved playing in the snow and finding some to eat.
She continues to love her baby dolls, one Asian one in particular.  She feeds her, rocks her and doctors her as well as Mommy or Nana.  We get lots of shots. We also have to "rock baby" when Delaney has something else to do.  She loves play-doh and coloring.  She still loves all things FROZEN and would watch the movie over and over if we let her.  Each time she watches it , it's as if its the first time.  She loves dancing.  Her favorite foods are mandarins and "straw ya-ya's".  She also loves pasta and most any type of bean.  She prefers most anything "slurp-able".
Her vocabulary is growing and she's putting two to five words together.  She can now identify half the alphabet pieces in her puzzle and place them correctly into the spots.  The other half  she puts into the correct spots and there are about 4-5 she has trouble with, so we are very proud and so happy she is progressing.  
You could say we are more in love with her every day and that would be an understatement!!!! Praising God for His Blessing of her in our lives.

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