Sunday, July 20, 2014

Packing continues . . .

so glad I started early!!  It took several hours to pack Delaney's suitcase today.  I cant believe it took so long!  Her little stuff was harder to roll, band and bag than ours.  We are using a smaller suitcase for her and I thought that made sense because she's a much smaller person.  However; I forgot all the crazy stuff we have to pack for her.  I'm just trying to keep it all to a minimum to make our baggage handling easy.  I put in 9 outfits, I think,  of various sizes, with many mix and match pieces.  A bathing suit. A sun hat. A jacket.  Pj's. Socks.  Blanket. Bottles.  Medications.  Thermometer.  Feeding supplies. Snacks.  Toys, including phone, bubbles, books, bath toys, lovey, plus a mini backpack full of stuff to play with on the plane on our way home.  I packed and re-packed, pressed the air out of the bags and re-sealed.  Took things out, added things, messaged friends in our Facebook LID group. 
The mess- yeah I should have made my bed, but priorities folks!


How neat and organized, hope TSA doesn't mess it up!

Oops, need to add some diapers!!! . . . . .

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