See Meeka peeking around the post? |
So to reflect on what was going on May of last year, oh, and why is it important? Well. if you've been following at all, we are trying to document the events that occurred around the time of our baby's birth. We don't know when she will be born or was born so we have been trying to keep some archives. So looking back, here's what I can remember. Around the first weekend of May we bought a Chinese dogwood tree, well we didn't buy it, it was given to us by the nursery owner once he realized we were adopting from China. He said the only payment he wanted was for us to bring her to see he and his wife once we brought her home. He and his wife were Christians and had a heart for adoption. His brother in fact had hosted an exchange student from China for the past year and their whole family had grown very fond of her. Initially we went to the nursery to shop for a small ornamental tree and this is what he suggested. At the time he knew nothing about which country we were adopting from then suggested this species, a Kousa dogwood, or Chinese dogwood. We thought we'd burst, how ironic! We got the dogwood the day we took our sweet Meeka dog to the vet (once again). We thought we were dealing with severe ear infections and received some reassurance from our vets. We thought we were on the road to recovery once the antibiotics remedied our issue. So the tree was a celebration of our dog's life and a promise of what was yet to come with our Little Girl. The month progressed and our sweet Meeka dog got sicker. Meanwhile Tonya's Uncle Jerry was diagnosed with lung cancer and passed toward the end of the month. He was such a jokester and still sadly missed. Aside from the negative things this month I continued with my interest in making natural household cleaners and lotions. Larry was fully into mowing season and we started upgrading some landscaping and began thinking about a new rock walkway.
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