Monday, September 30, 2013

Do you smell that?

It stinks.  This wait stinks.  The closer we get, the longer we wait!   How can that even make sense?  There are fewer people logged in and fewer days between us and a referral, yet, we wait.  There was an ugly rumor that surfaced Friday that I really chose to ignore and didn’t seem well-founded.  However; today’s rumor is the same and it looks like CCCWA won’t be sending referrals before they leave for their National Day Holiday and will be out from  October  1st to the 6th.  Worse yet, the new rumor also states the  next batch of referrals may not come until mid to late October.  And even worse yet, looks like this may push our prospective December referral into February or March. UUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH! 
On a lighter note, I will have more time off accumulated, and more money in the bank, and that will make our travel easier. BUT and that’s a BIG BUT, that means our child has to wait for us longer in an orphanage and our home remains without a child.  This hurts my heart.