Here's a peek at our jelly bean countdown jar. Notice how on the August line I have the date as
11-10-10, oops, error on my part. The CCCWA has now referred families with log in dates up to November 10th, of 2006. Guess that means we are just 17 log in dates away!!!!!! Slowing closing in on the big day!
One thing I determined today, jelly beans in a jar for over two years are very much like the China adoption process, stuck and difficult to get any movement. These sugary little beans have now taken up residence in the jar and are sticking to the sides and changing colors! Ever seen a gray jelly bean? Some of the beans were pink with blue and yellow and purple specks (Tutti Fruiti). Supposedly those colors fade and bleed into the pink over time and make a very odd lavenderish grayish color of grossness, but yeah, just as sweet! Don't judge me, you would've tried it too, it's just a little harder than it was on the day they were bought (nearly 3 years ago)!
On a serious note, prayers tonight for our country and Syria as we are facing some sad and turbulent times. I pray for those involved and the leadership of both countries.